Be Comfortable, Be Happy, Be Yourself !!

Want to be comfortable, be happier with your body and yourself ?? Are you one of those who constantly worry about your body, thoughts, shape or size and feel uncomfortable, unhappy about it because others label you, leave you out, or put you down ? Just Shake It Off !! Head up, chin up you don't need to feel miserable about what other people think and do . Here are some simple tips and techniques to be happy with who are you and how are you :- " The key to being happy☺️ is knowing you have the power, to choose what to accept and what to let go " SELF ACCEPTANCE Self acceptance means- " accepting your weakness,your success,your body and offcourse yourself ". One should love yourself and should have the strength to accept all you have,your colour, inabilities .You should ask yourself "Am I happy with what I have,...