Be Comfortable, Be Happy, Be Yourself !!

Want to be comfortable, be happier with your body and yourself ??

Are you one of those who constantly worry about your body, thoughts, shape or size and feel uncomfortable, unhappy about it because others label you, leave you out, or put you down ? Just Shake It Off !! Head up, chin up you don't need to feel miserable about what other people think and do .

Here are some simple tips and techniques to be happy with who are you and how are you :- 

" The key to being happy☺️is knowing you have the power, to choose what to accept and what to let go "


Self acceptance means- " accepting your weakness,your success,your body and offcourse yourself ". One should love yourself and should have the strength to accept all you have,your colour, inabilities .You should ask yourself "Am I happy with what I have, what I am ? " and the answer should be " Yes, I am very happy and satisfied with what I am " . Loving yourself and accepting yourself will help you a lot to accept yourself as you.

"Learning to accept yourself is more important than 
making people accept you.
It's how you see yourself that really matters."

  • Breathe And Stay Cool

Remember that when you are stressed, overworked, or upset simple breathing exercise can help you to be calm and cool and stay positive .This will help you to spend quality time with yourself and know you more . As Schwartz says - "If you do some deep breathing during the day, you can calm yourself down and not let stress get to you or make you sick."

  • Stop caring about others

You should seriously stop caring about others think and what they say , thinking about others opinion and caring about them will let you lose your confidence on yourself and make you feel negative ." The greatest prison people live in is the FEAR what other people THINK "

  • Appreciate yourself

This might not seem to be working for being happy but it really works. Think of one thing you’ve already accomplished or handled well today or focus on a good quality you’ve demonstrate. Drawing your attention to your strengths will lift your spirits.

  • Spend time with your favs ðŸ’–

Spend time with your favourites - your family, friends, colleagues or teachers whom you love and share your feelings .Believe me this will not only help you to be happy but also helps you to be carefree and stay cool, calm and positive 

These are some of tips and techniques to help you to be happy and stay positive with what you have and how are you .



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