Fall In LOVE With LIFE!!

Life!! What it comes to our mind first when we heard this word life ?? 

For today's generation the first word that comes to our mind(specially youngsters) hearing the word life is PROBLEMS,STRESS,HELL etc...Yes this seems to be bitter but it's truth .Have you ever seen old people or senior citizens talking about what life seems according to them,their answer will be different from today's generation ,yes for them life is defined as HAPPINESS,LOVE,FANTASTIC and much more good things which is very contradictory to what seems to ours. 

The reasons for our such thinking are very obvious:

  • Busy life,stress
  • Pressure due to people,work,responsibilities and etc...
  • Lack of peace in our life
  • Less understanding between peoples
and the most important factor is the "WEALTH but not HEALTH"

So there are some simple ways in which one can live a stress,pressure free life and really really enjoy their life :

  • Enjoy each and every moment

Yes , enjoy each and every moment of your life. One should find his/her hapiness in each moment of their life even if the situation is good or bad, we should look the positive side of every situation of our life , this will really helps us a lot and develop a new meaning to our life

  • Celebrate your success

Enjoy and celebrate your success , even its very very small(say if you have got full marks in your test or you have completed your assingment or many other winnings),this will not only motivate you from inside to do your work but also will help you to love what you do!!

  • Take life in a positive manner

What we all do is that whenever problem knocks our door we get stressed out, stared thinking negative, feels that we are only ones in this universe who has lots and lots loads of problem .Yes ,it is correct instead of thinking about how to deal with the particular problem ,we started thinking negative.Hello all!! we are not the only ones who has problems in their life ,see around you people have serious and worse problems than you but still they are living happily and taking it in a positive manner but why can't we??


  • Meditate and Relax

In todays hectic and busy life this will help a lot , not only physically but also mentally. When you wake up just take a deep breadth and RELAX . Give yourself  at least 15 min daily and meditate , forgeting all about your problems, pain ,anger JUST RELAX...... and you'll see how things become very easy then before .

  • Learn to be happy alone

Happiness, Happiness...most of us think that our happiness is only with our beloved ones,family and to be happy in life we really really need them. NO ,this our wrong perspective about happiness, happiness is something which one can get from his or herself also this will last permanently and to do that we can follow some simple steps:

  1. Firstly be satisfied with what you are and what you have!!
  2. Stop thinking about others perspective about you
  3. Enjoy small small things that you do
  4. Understand that you don't need any one else to be happy, you are happy!!
  5. Be happy and love💖 yourself 
  6. Don't take tension about your problems, just stay relax and try resolve them 
  7. Feel that you are happy, you are a an infinite source of happiness in this universe
  8. Don't feel yourself different from others, just feel yourself connected to them
  9. Try to have some peace and patience in your life
  10. Last but not the least you are not less than anyone You are Life!!

Don't just read this blog but implement this in your life and practice and the day will not be far when you will really Fall in love💖 with your LIFE!!


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